So, What is a Vehicle Wrap?

So what is a vehicle wrap? This is a question a lot of small business owners ask. Vehicle wraps are a very effective way of promoting your business. A vehicle wrapped with your branding message is a moving billboard.

A wrap is basically your branding message printed on a special vinyl that is applied over the original paint of the vehicle. With improved technology today, wrap vinyls are extremely well crafted and do not necessarily stain your vehicle paint. They are easily removable with minimal effort and hence can be used to frequently change your messaging as often as you want.

While the cost of getting a vehicle warp done may seem expensive, the overall impact and mileage you get out of the vehicle wrap makes it a very cost effective solutions for your brand promotion activities. Research has shown that a vehicle wrap during the course of a year it is on the vehicle can generate up to a million impressions (persons seeing the message) and this makes the investment in a vehicle wrap very low.

Modern day vinyls make it possible for your wrap to be on your vehicle for any period between one to five years. In most cases the original paint does not get chipped or spoilt with a wrap. However, if your vehicle already has a paint chip there is a strong likelihood of it peeling when getting the wrap out.

Typically a vehicle wrap is done in 3 stages.During the first stage the exact measurements of the vehicle are taken and the artwork is done to these measurements . In the second stage, the artwork is printed in panels on the vinyl. This is then laminated to protect the vinyl from the harsh rays of the sun and from abrasions. In the last stage the vinyl is then applied (or installed) on the vehicle.

But if you are on a limited budget, there are several ways of wrapping your vehicle. Anything less than a full wrap is called a "partial wrap" and the image below gives you the various ways in which you can partially wrap your vehicle.

Vehicle Wrap Options

Image courtesy SignCraft Magazine






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