Q Time Thinking 3.26.2020
The purpose of this is to share my thoughts as a business owner through these unprecedented times.
Last Friday was a tough day. Even before the Governor had decided to close business down except for the essential, we were taking steps to be able to work remotely. Friday was the last day the team would be together. We thought it was only going to be a couple of weeks, but now it looks like it's going to stretch closer to a couple of months.
Leaving last Friday felt like I was closing the doors to the business permanently. Certainly there were dark times that night. With some help from my wife, I worked through them and started planning for the "new normal" this week.
Dark times are okay. They'll happen. But when you notice you're there, do the work to get to the other side.
Everyone is going to adapt differently, but I'm doing my best to keep myself in the right mindset. I've worked to fill my schedule to keep some normalcy and rhythm to my day. My morning routine is as close to normal as possible. A lot of my days are normally spent networking. That's not really an option right now. Video calls are better than nothing, but it's not the same as being in the same room and sharing a laugh.
On the plus side, I get to see my wife and 2 kids more! It's at least a plus for now... 😀
We are all finding other ways to run our businesses.
I feel this overwhelming need to help others at this time. This is a normal desire for me, but now, at a time for need for so many, it's at the top of my mind.
We are doing several things with our products to help.
All orders over $100 get a gift card to a local company. When we run out, we'll get more!
Waiving all rush fees on signage for "essential" businesses
Waiving all design fees for "essential" businesses
We are doing everything possible to turn signage orders as immediate as possible
But that still doesn't feel enough.
So here goes, if you need anything, just reach out! Printing or otherwise. I'm happy to talk, listen, brainstorm. I miss it actually. Crave it. We will get through this. We will do this together.
My direct contact info: briand@instantimprintsde.com AND 302-266-1167
Brian Drysdale