Q Time Thinking 4.24.2020

Sometimes you just need a swift kick in the butt to get yourself out of your own way! And THIS is why it's important to surround yourself with people that will help you grow and evolve. "If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room"-Confucius I have been…
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Q Time Thinking – 4.17.2020

The weeks aren't taking as long to get through.  However the routine is becoming too.... routine... Sure, my schedule was normally pretty predictable.  But it involved jumping around a fair amount.  We've gotten things duct taped together with virtual meetings.  But the camaraderie is not close to as good.  I don't get the time on…
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Q Time Thinking – Take 3

Another week has passed.  It's time to take inventory. The initial shock of the pandemic is wearing off and we are truly starting to embrace our new normal.  My team is continuing to work on adapting to this environment.  We are clearly past the improvise phase; triage is over. Our clients have been awesome.  We…
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Q Time Thinking 2nd full week

It's crazy how fast some things are happening while others have come to a screeching halt. I first thought I would have this extra time to tackle some longer range projects, catch up on a few items that had been in the long range to-do list, maybe even tackle a couple projects around this house.…
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