Q Time Thinking – 4.17.2020

The weeks aren't taking as long to get through.  However the routine is becoming too.... routine...

Sure, my schedule was normally pretty predictable.  But it involved jumping around a fair amount.  We've gotten things duct taped together with virtual meetings.  But the camaraderie is not close to as good.  I don't get the time on the pool deck coaching my swimmers.  I'm not used to such monotony.

I'm accomplishing different tasks.  And, really, we are making progress as a business.

I am 100% confident we are going to make it to the other side of this, and our team will be stronger.

As another entrepreneur put it, "If you're not learning and growing from this, you're doing it wrong."

I don't think anyone could have adequately prepared for Covid-19.  And we still aren't certain what it will take to get through our state of emergency and quarantine time.

To paraphrase the great childhood philosopher Rafiki - [This] can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

(an extra smile for those who get the reference)

Until next time...


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