In the late 1800s, world renowned jeweller Carl Faberge (a.k.a Karl Gustavovich Fabergé) created the iconic Faberge Eggs. And, in the process, he introduced Rose Gold to the world. After that, it rose to a raging popularity in the 1920s as legacy jewellers. Cartier, incorporated it into fine jewelry with precious gemstones and diamonds. Rose…
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The Cobra Effect: It’s Impact on Sales and Brand
The Cobra Effect or Perverse Incentives, as some economists call it is is a phenomenon that can kill your sales. And, with it, your brand. It refers to an attempted solution to a problem that actually makes the problem worse. It's Origin The concept is said to have its origins in colonial India. When the…
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Human Psychology INCREASES Sales. Open Doors
Did you know that psychology plays a big part in people's purchasing decisions? As David Sandler, globally renowned sales trainer, said "People always buy emotionally, but justify their purchase rationally". And if there is one rule of psychology that can be successfully leveraged to increase your revenues, it is the Law of Reciprocity. This has been explained by Dr. Robert Cialdini,…
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