When you need to create professional marketing pieces, quality merchandise or merely promote your message you can't rely on just any company. When it comes to communication of your brand, you need an industry leader.
Instant Imprints is the largest national chain of its kind. Our staff is trained extensively on providing top level service, turn around times and product quality. Each full service center provides complete on-site production of merchandise, signage and custom apparel. Using state-of-the-art equipment and proprietary production management tools, our clients are assured that their important projects are in good hands.

Explore Our Services
Making logos stand out.
We provide quality embroidery services on practically anything you can imagine. Our centers have state-of-the-art embroidery machines to provide you with anything from individual personalization to thousands of pieces. You can count on us to make your brand more visible.
Big or small, fancy and fast.
With wide format and digital printing equipment, our centers can produce nearly any sign, banner or display a business or organization may require, including retractable banner stands, A-frames, tradeshow booths and much more. For permanent or temporary use, indoors or out.
Personalized shirts with your logo or design.
We create t-shirts with custom designs using the latest technologies in direct to garment, heat transfers, lettering and screen printing which allows for maximum flexibility with order size and a fast turnaround to customize each order.
Items that stand out and are remembered.
There is no shortage of ways to promote your business. From branded pens to drinkware to flashlights, there are endless options at your disposal. Talk to us about finding the right solution for you and your customers.